This seems to be a time of transition . Travis is heading to BYUH and submitting his paper for his Mission.Aubree is a Junior in HS and thinking about her future, she thinks she would like to attend Fashion Institute and Merchandising in Calif. Connor is completely submerged in football and HS a a freshman he can't wait to be a sophomore. Makinsee is in her last year in elementary school and is sure that someone has made a mistake and she should be in Junior High!!!
Nana is coming home at the end of next month and so we will all be together for such a short moment, when Travis leaves, it will be a new chapter for everyone.We are really hoping our commercial building and restaurant sells this year!! We are pondering about buying a home....
We just aren't sure it will be here in Hawaii. Although we love Hawaii, we really miss the quality of living on the mainland. We can also own a home on the mainland and be debt free.
So we are pondering our options, the kids are fine whatever we decide,a few of them would really like southern California, again but we have to solidify work.....we shall see....lots of prayer and pondering...